Building Surveying

Licence for Alterations

A Licence for Alterations is a legal document that lists tenants’ obligations when adapting a property, including the terms of reinstating the property when the lease expires.

We can help tenants to apply for licences by managing the collation and submission of documents, including drawings, to develop an agreement schedule and specification.

Before they pursue their developments, we provide life-cycle advice, so tenants consider and understand their proposals and consider the reinstatement works upon lease expiry.

As well as tenants, we also act on behalf of landlords by reviewing the proposed work so their property is not negatively affected, either structurally or environmentally.

Our practical approach to reviewing opportunities to reduce risk and increase yield ensures that all statutory compliance is acknowledged, that the work is completed to a high standard, and the final product is realised without disputes.


Danny McEvoy

Danny McEvoy

Danny McEvoy

Danny McEvoy
