Trident was instructed to assess the developer’s scheme proposals and prepare a Construction Appraisal Report, providing comment on project costs against benchmark costs, development programme, the project team and advise the bank of the risks of acquiring an interest in the development.
Trident worked closely with the client’s legal advisors, to ensure that compliance with the facility agreement was maintained at all stages of the project.
Trident had a proactive role in flagging any potential issues could have affected project delivery. We regularly updated on statutory consents, competency of the developer and its professional team, construction costs, construction agreements and design/quality.
Throughout the two-and-a-half-year build period, we attended progress meetings, assessing valuation requests for monthly payments / drawdowns and providing a monthly Project Monitor Report.
We adopted safe working practices during the global pandemic and continually supported the bank and developer to ensure the project was not detrimentally affected.